Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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adventures of an arbitrary aardvark

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by arbi
saturday i didnt get much done, but i cut the grass on one lot, got an expression of interest from a neighbor about buying it.
reddit, then tommy and i had quality time, thrift stores, coffeehouse, sushi bar, drag show, gay bar. his bartender friend there turns out to be the same realtor i've been emailing with.
sunday for food not bombs i made steamed broccoli and brought grapes strawberries tortillas oj and mandarins. dawn is in the building but i dont know how to call 911 from my cell phone.
kc gave me carrot and pumpkin seeds, and next we are headed to visit andrea and i have to mail some stuff to brian. done and done.
we took a walk along the canal downtown.
monday i remembered at 7:15 we start at 8 now. i worked till 6 got home at 8, houseccleaned the kitchen a bit, now i have an hour for bath and internet. i scored 640 books, 2ce previous record.
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