Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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adventures of an arbitrary aardvark

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by arbi
thursday i took the car to the shop, took the bus downtown, filed the lis pendens, paid my real estate taxes ($250) and my texas taxes ($880), came home, rode my bike to pay my water bill ($250).
my last paycheck will cover that. then i helped tommy clean the kitchen, because something was starting to smell. it looks and smells better now.
so now i'm resting again, then maybe i'll wash my sheets. this has been a week of catching up on chores now that i don't go to work every day.
i still have 4 boxes of stuff to put away, but at least it's newer stuff. watered the garden, weeded, moved the tomatoes to a sunnier spot.
i should review the long to do list to see which easy items i can knock off, or tackle the boxes of mail. i might repot some indoor plants.
oh if today is a thursday in june, that means tomorrow is first friday! things in june include the woodruff yard sale, fargo trip, pride, talbot art show, etc.
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