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My other stupid shit: A Fallen Mind

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by brycekain
Be sure to tune in on Friday for the hilarious new ABC Family comedy: Froggy and the Stump!
Froggy, why did God let me live and kill mommy instead?
And why did Jesus take my arms and leave me down here all alone to fend for myself in the most agnonizing ways imaginable?
Join us Friday for more HILARIOUS QUIPS, CREPES, AND CARTONS OF CIGARETTES on Froggy and the Stump.
Ho Ho! Je vous ai attrapé en utilisant un programme de traduction, Chris Hansen!
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Planet WTF 07: The Dastardly Shortening of a Long Ass Title

comments on this comic


RandomComicLayoutGuy says:

you really didn't need to complete the comic after "Froggy and the Stump"! that;s frigging hilarious
posted Feb 23rd, 2015 ( permalink )

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