Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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A new way to vent my dirty humor.

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by eggsforknockers
Honey, I'm home!
What is it my sweet?
Oh of some grand coital measure do I find myself taken fucking aback! What gives with the habit? Did I ever once tell thee to get to a nunnery yet?
No my love, it was but a surprise. One born with hope of bringing new spark to an old, limp, sagging, petered out, stretchy but nary hard...
Thou best be shuttting the fuck up bitch, lest I employ said old, limp, sagging, petered out, stretchy but nary hard hoseth of mine to whip the shit out of your nuncheeks in a sideways eight fashion.
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ragu4u says:

Ahhh...that good old "side-ways 8" fashion!
posted Apr 22nd, 2014 ( permalink )

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