Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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by evil_d
Great party, Pete. Happy birthday, by the way. I got you a six-pack of that new "Detonade" stuff; they say it actually explodes in your stomach. So how old are you now, anyway?
You know Avogadro's Number? Well, I knew Avogadro. Went to school with him. Ugly kid. Man, sometimes I wish Isaac Newton hadn't discovered immortality.
Yeah, that would have its good side. John Wilkes Booth would have died years before Andrew Lloyd Webber was even born, and no one would ever have had to see him in a catsuit.
Very true. And Freud might not have lived long enough to get bored with psychology and turn to writing crappy romance novels. "Oedipus Sex", my ass.
No Michael Collins in Riverdance... no "Jeff Davis and the Rebels" on country music stations... and the Three Stooges would probably never even have dreamed about conquering Bolivia.
It's a fucked-up planet we've got here, Phillip... I just wonder why I stay on it.
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