Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

stripcreator donor

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Thanks to all of you who sent me sluffed skin cells! I'm pleased to report that my farts are smelling good again.

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by iconoclastic
Hitler holds interviews for position of 'Camp Doctor'. Der 1st question.
So, Herr Mengele, do you prefer adults or ze little children?
Vat side of der bed am I vakink up on?
Der 2nd question.
Let's say dis is my dead Granny. Vat is ze first part of der autopsy you vould do?
I vould prevent body gas escape mit mein blutwurstplug. Den I vould force her to clean it mit her tung. Den over und over mit mein plug. Den more tung verk, und more plug verk, den...
Ach ya!
Come mit me Granny. My new doctor vil give you a free autopsy to find out vat you vil be dyink from.
I hope he can help mit der rash on my hiney holen.
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