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Stripcreator » General Discussion » Fun with guns...



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So I'm applying for a Conceal and Carry permit on Monday with my boss's blessing. Things have been getting out of hand with the "urban" after- hours club about half a block away from us.

One of the other floor guys almost got jumped by 4 guys last night while walking some waitresses out to their cars after closing.

Now when 'people' threaten to shoot us, we can shoot first and kill them.

I love America!

So now that I've sold my .44 the only question is what kind of hand cannon do I get this time? I'm thinking .357...

Kill Whitey.

8-17-08 1:39am (new)
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Crash Magnet

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Nice choice. I have a .357 7-shot revolver. I know what you're thinking...did he fire 5 shots or 6?



8-17-08 3:22am (new)
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Recreational User

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My .357 remains my almost cheapest but favorite and bestest pistol I've ever owned.  The .45 might be a flying ashtray, and there are times when that's great I guess, but a .357 is the closest thing you can get to carrying a laser around.  I mean, except for a taser.  Which not only is more like a laser in every repect but speed traveled, but it also sounds more like laser.

8-17-08 5:01am (new)
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Obsessive Comic Disorder

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Nothing takes down an urban youth like a shotgun blast, in my opinion.

8-17-08 7:16am (new)
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Here at least 3 times a year

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Shotguns are kinda hard to conceal though.

Now where can I get a 7 shot .357?

Kill Whitey.

8-17-08 12:47pm (new)
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Crash Magnet

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S&W model 686. For sale here.

8-17-08 1:04pm (new)
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Crash Magnet

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Also, I have a 9mm Glock with 3 pre-Brady Bill high-cap mags. If I were conceiled carrying, I'd use that baby simply because it's lighter and if I couldn't hit my target with the 54 rounds on me, I pretty much would deserve to get killed.

8-17-08 1:24pm (new)
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weak stream

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i'd go with that bad boy... the Supersoaker Max Infusion Hydro Blitz. if Fear Factor has taught us anything, it's that "urban" types fear water

what if nigger meant kite

8-17-08 11:55pm (new)
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Recreational User

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If it's me I'm hiring this chick to throw books [at them]:



8-18-08 1:49am (new)
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Here at least 3 times a year

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I want that gun so bad I can taste the cordite.


the super soaker will be my holdout piece


Will that chick fit in a shoulder rig?

Kill Whitey.

8-18-08 2:37am (new)
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I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

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Why has nobody mentioned the S&W M&P .40?

Damn thing feels like it's made just for your hand, and it's very comfortable.  Not to mention it's easily concealed and quite powerful.  Sure, it's no .357, but I'd prefer it over a revolver personally.

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

8-27-08 1:34am (new)
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Here at least 3 times a year

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To my dismay I found out I can't get a permit to carry a .357. Apparently there are limitations to the amount of firepower they'll let you tote around.

While I find this silly, being a law abiding citizen, I'll probably opt for the .40.


Kill Whitey.

8-27-08 11:13am (new)
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weak stream

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DragonXeroi have a Tanfoglio 9mm, but the damn thing jams so much i think i'd get a revolver next time

what if nigger meant kite

8-27-08 12:02pm (new)
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I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

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mandingoi have a Tanfoglio 9mm, but the damn thing jams so much i think i'd get a revolver next time

Honestly, I've never had a jamming problem on a decent automag.  I put about $60 worth of ammo through a store 1911 and didn't have one jam or misfire.

But at least that's an honest reason for wanting a revolver.  I've heard a lot of people say they want one so they can be sure it's unloaded.  Frankly, a gun is never unloaded.  The second you start thinking you are *CERTAIN* your weapon is unloaded is the second you make a stupid mistake.

Besides, a slide-action is simple to check for loaded/unloaded status.  Drop out the clip, pull the slide back and look down.  If you see daylight through the slide, it's empty.  If you see a round chambered, it has a round chambered.

In any case, I just like the way a semi-auto feels.  The slide helps deaden the recoil of heavier rounds and if you really want to throw away a bunch of cash, you can fire off 7 or 8 rounds, drop the clip and pop the next one in.  Great fun.

At least, I find it fun.

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

8-29-08 2:04am (new)
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Here at least 3 times a year

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I just find I'm much more accurate with a revolver, possibly this stems from my inexperience with autos, or maybe I just haven't found the right auto yet, whatever it is I'd rather throw a couple of rounds at something and be confidant I'd hit it that 7 or 8 rounds and hope I hit it.

However there is a lot to be said for 15 rounds over 6....

Kill Whitey.

8-29-08 1:16pm (new)
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I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

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Well, the 40 is a good compromise between the power of a 45 and the capacity of a 9mm.  I would guess part of your problem with semi-auto handguns is that you're compensating with them like you would a revolver, but it might be something else.  Accuracy at range has a lot to do with the length of a barrel, but in he end, your accuracy has little bearing on the weapon you want as a CC.  I can't remember what the statistic is, but most handguns are used at close range anyway.

I think accuracy would be the only thing someone might worry about with the M&P, as its construction makes it fairly light.  I doubt, however, that it would make much of a difference if you were ever forced to use it.  I do believe it carries a minimum of 10 rounds, with the option for a 15 round mag.  No sure of the legality of the 15 round mag in all areas though.

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

9-01-08 11:13pm (new)
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Here at least 3 times a year

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That's the consensus from the cops that hang out at the club. Most of them carry 40 cals and agree its a good balance of stopping power/capacity and accuracy.

And Marty carries one which is good enough for me:

Marty's this super easy goin cop who used to be in the district our club is located in, and by knowing him you would never suspect he's one of the toughest cops you'll ever come across.

If he says get one, I'm sold.

I'll probably still get a .357 at some point in the future though.

Kill Whitey.

9-01-08 11:57pm (new)
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Recreational User

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There is only one major rule when it comes to carrying a pistol: the one that will save your life is the one you are actually willing to carry. This means that if you buy a weapon and don't carry it because of its grip, its weight, capacity, calibre, stopping ability, whateverthe**** - it won't do you any good.

I know it sounds elementary but it's amazing how many guns get bought and tucked away into sock drawers because people got too concerned about all the other (admittedly, interesting) bull**** when buying it, and not concerned enough about what the thing feels like when sitting in a passenger seat for 16 hours on a surveillance, or how it feels on the hip while working a door all night (or more importantly, whether or not it's got an aftermarket locking holster made for it, which I suspect is VERY important in your situation).

Don't buy a .40 just because it puts out greater 'stopping power' numbers in ballistics gel tests if it feels less comfortable than that 9 or .380 super of your friend's you might have liked. And don't get a seven-shot .357 for the sake of having the extra round if you think it may be more bulky, and a pain-in-the-ass to carry, than that six-shot you enjoyed trying out at the range.

Again, I know this sounds elementary, but it's a lesson that's usually hard-learned. I have a friend who saved his own life carrying a two-shot .22 Derringer. My 150 pound father, on the other hand, was near-killed and left with a broken jaw, a full set of dentures, a broken hand, numberous broken ribs, and a full metal-reconstructed face (complete with titanium screws) after being blind-sided rolled and left to brawl in Mid-City New Orleans with a couple of ex-Angoa, ahem, brothers. Why was he unarmed? He had gotten tired of carrying the only pistol he owned at the time, a .32 revolver, because he couldn't find a good holster for it.

A 'perfect balance of stopping power and magazine capacity' did ****-all for him.

Get the gun you are willing to carry and can work hours on end with.

9-02-08 5:26am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » General Discussion » Fun with guns...

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