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Stripcreator » Comic Showcase » Gregor Samsa



Riding through your town with his head on fire

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I was reading a Scyess comic in which he uses the explodingdog bug and quotes Kafka's The Metamorphosis, and I thought, I'll bet a lot of people have done that.

So here's a chronological list of every Stripcreator comic to date that includes the text "Gregor Samsa".  I'll admit, they are not all quite what I expected, though I don't know what I should have expected.

The Acid Eating Copulators by DionysusBlair
One morning, Gregor Samsa awoke...
Have my babies.
Eat my OVA, you meth-encrusted slab of poo!!!
I am strangely unable to move. My best bet is to digest the sheet of acid hidden up my thorax and impregnate his mouth with my brood during an artificially stimulated OBE.
Wonder if that cop noticed my eyes.

Gregor Samsa by P-Funk
And now, in an attempt to entertain the more intellectual users of this site (the few, the proud), I will present for you a bit of Kafka.
Haha, whaddya think?

Social Problems by pinkcow
I'm Gregor Samsa.
Hi. I'm an embodyment of nearly everything that is wrong with America.
I spend my life keeping up with the latest trends, suppressing any original thought, shopping at the mall, and generally maintaining my upper middle class demeanor.
You think you've got it bad. I awoke this morning to find myself transformed into a hideous vermin.
I hope she'll have sex with me.

Dumbass by P-Funk
You know, that whole Gregor Samsa thing was pretty stupid.
Alright, I'm sorry! What do you want from me?
I said I'm sorry. Would ya just let it go?

forvandlingen av franz kafka by aq
da gregor samsa blabla og han var vitterlig et insekt
det var enten søster eller hushjelp som kom og sa ånei!
og så drepte noen ham.

The what mentioned above is total fiction. Please don't take it seriously!

8-24-17 8:36am (new)
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Riding through your town with his head on fire

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Cliff Notes in 3 panels Vol. 1 -- The Metamorphosis by Drexle
My name is Gregor Samsa. I've metamorhposed into a bug. Mmmyep.
I am you Father! I throw apples at you! You're worthless and I hate you!
Sister, please stay here with me! I love you and appreciate you, not like those roomers. And look, my room has become a trashpile for all their old junk!
Yeah, they're right bastards! They're even refusing to pay for room all because of you! We must get rid of you! You're not my Brother!
Well, he starved himself to death, and Dad kicked out the roomers. Mom, Dad, and I rode away and then at the end of the ride I stretched my beautiful body!
(Author's Note -- Dear god this comic sucked ass.... *Drexle*)

mrs. gregor samsa by tarafuzz
munch munch munch munch...
munch munch munch munch...
munch munch munch munch...
why did i marry i have to marry a kafka fan?

Metamorphosis by rickward
AS GREGOR SAMSA awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect.
DUDE! Gnarly!
...His numerous legs, which were pitifully thin compared to the rest of his bulk, waved helplessly before his eyes.
What has happened to me?
Can you fly me on your back to the Galleria?
It was no dream.
This is like SO sweet.

gregor's birthday by doppelgangsta
Oi guvna!!! i got yer present right cheer.
what is it?
i aven't a clue, wot.
that sure helps, elf.
i think it's a Franz Kafka book...
right. and my name's Gregor Samsa.

WORLD NEWS by fluidchaos
Hi I'm Gregor Samsa, you watching WORLD NEWS. Tonight ...
.... blow jobs on the British NHS ...
thank you god.
... gay pride march funded by Marlboro ...
hi loves

The what mentioned above is total fiction. Please don't take it seriously!

8-24-17 8:37am (new)
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Riding through your town with his head on fire

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Fight Club 2: Kafka Gets Dirty! by Trippingbillee
Hi! I'm Gregor Samsa!
And I'm Tyler Durden. And together, we are a very powerful metaphorical force!
I used the idea of a man's "metamorphosis" into a giant beetle to show the de-humanization of society during the industrial revolution.
I used a satirical setting and plot to get across my message of the de-humanization of modern society through consumerism.
But now I'm on Prozac and Paxil, so things are looking up!
Way up!

The Scream by ahrange
One day Gregor Samsa woke up to discover he'd become a giant insect.
Aah! Aah! Aah! Oh wait, that's me. Aah! Aah! Aah!
The next week however Gregor Samsa woke to discover he had become a clown.
Aah! Aah! Aah! Dear god will it never end? Aah! Aah! Aah!
Moral of the story: Don't write while you're drunk.
Ha ha ha! With my drunken ramblings I'll torture high school students for years!

senior year flashback by one_worldling
metamorphisize this, bitch.
so big nasty. why do you appear as a bug in my comic?
am i a bug? or am i a man disillusioned into thinking i'm a bug? am i gregor samsa? or am i the nast? have i a jillion wiggly legs? or have i a confused psyche squirming to get free?
man, my intro to existentialism class isn't until next semester. try this one em, am i walking away, or do you just think i'm walking away?
hey wait. i bear good tidings. check out the next frame.
due to dealing with a one too many unmotivated students, mr. baier drives a nail into his head. a little less poetic than oedipus' brooch, but there's a limited number of pictures here.
is this the happiest day or my life? or do i just think.....fuck it.......yes it is.

The Metamorphasis by ateolf
I am Gregor Samsa.
All I want is to help them.
He's dead!!!
Our lives are so much easier now!!!

Scene 16-18 by johu
You idiot! I'm Gregor Samsa! The guy who turned into a bug!
Then aren't you supposed to be dead?
Umm.. Oh yeah, well, pretend that I'm dead.
Ok... How'd you deal with being constantly dehumanized by your family?
I turned into a bug. What else do you think happened? Read the Spark Notes before asking me these stupid questions.
This guy is psycho...

The what mentioned above is total fiction. Please don't take it seriously!

8-24-17 8:37am (new)
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Riding through your town with his head on fire

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Die Verwandlung by Branddobbe
When Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from unsettling dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed to a monstrous vermin.
That is not a Bible story. That is the opening line of The Metamorphosis, the famous short story by the German-language author Franz Kafka.
I like Kafka.
As do I, but I am surprised to hear you quoting him without warning.
I do not feel I need to "warn" people about great literature. This piece is a beautiful, tragic story of rejection, isolation, and loneliness.
Yes, it brings tears to my eyes when I read it.

Adaptation by kingbexiIII
Awaking one morning after uneasy dreams, Gregor Samsa found himself transformed into a giant insect
his family were concerned
How is Gregor going to get to work?
Why don't I throw an apple at him, thereby embedding it in his head?

Rob's Bane Part II by EKane
The Beginning
I am Gregor Samsa, you may recall my tragic death tale, Metamorphosis. But I am reborn with a new purpose to entertain so that we will not share the same fate and hatred of fruit. ENTER ACT 1...
Why the fuck is this stupid cockaroach talking.... I hope he doesn't live in my kitchen, under my cabinets and in my stinky trash can.
The Middle
I am Bender... insert gerder.
Hey! I'm Fry! This is awesome! Too bad I can't change the expression on my face to show it.
The End
Would you like to make a deal with the robot devil? One soul for a set of automatic perfectly tucking in shirt and tying tie?
You bet... look how sharp I look now!

Gregor Samsa by Scarlet
Mais qu'est ce que je fous ici......
Tes qui toi?
Je suis Gregor Samsa. S'il te plait aide moi on m'a enfermé dans cette pièce . Pour que je puisse mourir déséché comme un sale cafard puant
Mais tu es un cafard. En plus tu pus la mort.
Hé pas la peine d'être méchant!!

Gregor Samsa's Blind Date.
A bug-man, I can take. The putrid smell, I can stand. The viscous fluid draining from under his exoskeleton, tolerable. But this Phoebe Cates obsession... I'm gonna have to break it off.
And of course her career reached its apex with "Gremlins 2". Don't get me wrong, I still consider "Drop Dead Fred" an American classic.
  by ArtemisStrong, 2-26-06 

The what mentioned above is total fiction. Please don't take it seriously!

8-24-17 8:37am (new)
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Riding through your town with his head on fire

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Everybody loves Gregor Samsa by NasrBoy
Whatcha got there?
It's from your ex-wife. Your dog has .. uh .. passed on.
Dammit, should have softened the blow.

The Metamorphosis by luramorgan
Gregor Samsa is the main character in The Metamorphosis. He works as a traveling salesman, and, as it is usual for traveling salesmen, he moves constantly from place to place.
Hello. My name is Gregor Samsa and I am a salesman. Would you like to make a purchase today?
uh. no.
One morning, in his family's apartment, Gregor wakes up to find himself transformed into an insect.
Oh No! I've turned into an insect!!
The cheif clerk comes to check on Gregor. His parents and sister try and stall him because Gregor will not open his door. When Gregor tries to tell them what happened, but no one can understant him.
I have come to see why Gregor did not show up at work today.

The Metamorphosis by luramorgan
Gregor Samsa is the main character in The Metamorphosis. He works as a traveling salesman, and, as it is usual for traveling salesmen, he moves constantly from place to place.
Hello. My name is Gregor Samsa and I am a salesman. Would you like to make a purchase today?
uh. no.
One morning, in his family's apartment, Gregor wakes up to find himself transformed into an insect.
Oh No! I've turned into an insect!!
The cheif clerk comes to check on Gregor. His parents and sister try and stall him because Gregor will not open his door. When Gregor tries to tell them what happened, no one can understant him.
I have come to see why Gregor did not show up at work today.

(That's not a duplication error on my part, but there's only one word different between those two comics.)

CC548: Also #1934! by Scyess
One morning, as Gregor Samsa was waking up from anxious dreams, he discovered that in his bed he had been changed into a monstrous verminous bug.
What's happened to me?
Woah woah WOAH. This shit is way too cerebral for 2014. Try something else.
That's closer, but it's still technically a classic. Can you go even lower?
Um, Expelliarmus?

Unsurprisingly, Scyess' comic is the best of the lot.

The what mentioned above is total fiction. Please don't take it seriously!

8-24-17 8:40am (new)
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Stripcreator » Comic Showcase » Gregor Samsa

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