Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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by DexX
Oi! Galadriel! Since I am now the supreme ruler of Middle Earth, I can have any chick I want! Yeah, that means you!
Ah Elbereth Gilthoniel!
Much much later...
Please, Frodo, take this baby back to The Shire with you. Having him around here makes me feel all icky.
No worries. This forest was boring the shit outta the boy and me anyway. Seeya, sweet cheeks.
He proved to be a popular child...
Here ya go, kid - this Elven weed shits all over that Shire pipeweed. One cone of this and you'll be in the Undying Lands.
I'll take five pouches full!
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