Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

stripcreator donor

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by Pandeist
Hey!! I'm glad we have this chance to talk!!
Yeah, about that.... So, you know that old adage that no matter how hot a chick is, there's a guy somewhere who's had it with her shit?
Wait, are you breaking up with me?
Yeah, but we can have some awesome breakup sex first. Hey, what are you--
Recall breakup email.... change Facebook status to single and searching.
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Injokester says:

If I can give you any advice it'd be "Live like every day is your last, sing like nobody's listening, and dance the way I did the day my ex-wife told me she was leaving. Do the happy dance, dum dum dum, do the happy dance."
posted Aug 16th, 2016 ( permalink )

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