Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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by arbi
wednesday i did chores around the house, trash recycling compost burning brush cleaning the basement sorting boxes making shelves moving the bulk buckets into a closet. could not get thru to waukegan,
thursday 9tales arrived on his new motorized bicycle, and cory gave us a fridge because he's moving to bloomington.
thursday i made a screening appointment for tomorrow, so i will drive all night. i washed the basement floor again, boiling water this time, made omelets, did laundry, went to the po box, collected
$75 rent from the mexican guy with the dog - i can never remember his name, memaw, meno, something. got the car a bit cleaner.
the public records counselor says it's not illegal for the police to require a money order for people ordering a criminal history, so my next step will be to take it up with the governor's office.
i have time to put out more roach stuff before i go. i forgot to fix my headlight. going to stop by the club before i leave town. so i'm keeping busy.
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