Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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by biped
Between the years 2001 and 2007, Captain Chip was forced to perform in a series of comics that he found increasingly demeaning and morally repugnant.
In this one, you do a series of gay scat videos and have a nine-year-old girlfriend.
Oh, good lord, no!
Finally escaping from Stripcreator, he made his way into a succession of public service announcements, but found escape from his tarnished image impossible.
Captain Wanker sez:
(ahem) "Fuck illiteracy in the ass, kids!"
Nearing the end of his rope, he finally found work as the stereotypically black sidekick in the WB network's short-lived revival of the classic 50s sitcom "Amos and Andy."
Holy mackel, Mistuh Kingfish! I sho is resgusted bout dat, Lawdy I is!
Thank ya dere, Lightinin'. Now don't fuggit to sweep up de lodge on yo way out.
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