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Stripcreator » Fights Go Here » mocking religion is fun.



Stripcreator Newbie

particularly because the people that take offense to it are the numbnut zealots who can't substantiate what they read or hear due to the fact that there brains operate on a little thing called "faith" rather than the only thing that matters, emperical truths.

i have made a few strips about crappy jesus and crappy christianity (because those are the best to poke fun at) and they can be found somewhere in my comics at

i pasted the link because i dont know how to use the stupid command shit.

12-11-02 7:35am (new)
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I fling the shoddy polo stick

Member Rated:

Funny thing is you can't convince these people who have genuine faith. And that is their strength of thought.

So your point is lost. Yay for everyone.

12-11-02 8:40am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Comic Overlord

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I think it's not about convincing, but more about reinforcing the ideas of like-minded people.

12-11-02 9:53am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Senior Comic Technician

Member Rated:

Funny thing is you can't convince these people who have genuine faith. And that is their strength of thought.

So your point is lost. Yay for everyone.

Or have the wool pulled over their eyes so much they can't get it off [/flamebait].

Jesus saves, but everyone else in a 10 foot radius takes full damage from the fireball.

12-11-02 10:00am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator Newbie

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all religion does is cloud one's thinking. it provideds the follower with bias.

12-11-02 10:18am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Film critic subordinaire

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Ah, so analytic truths don't matter?

12-11-02 10:25am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Senior Comic Technician

Member Rated:

Or rational truths?

Jesus saves, but everyone else in a 10 foot radius takes full damage from the fireball.

12-11-02 10:26am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

and the Goblet of Mountain Dew.

Member Rated:

Y'know how people have the Jesus fish on their cars, and then other people put Darwin fish on, and then the original people came up with the Jesus fish who eats the Darwin fish, etc etc etc...

I just want to have one that says, "FISH." And let them puzzle over it for a while.

I has a flavor!

12-11-02 10:37am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Film critic subordinaire

Member Rated:

Considering that most comics at this site featuring Jesus have him getting buggered or spouting obscenities, why would anyone be offended by your harmless comics?

12-11-02 10:49am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

crazy knife lady

Member Rated:

...and what about a priori truths?

What others say about boorite!

12-11-02 11:22am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Senior Comic Technician

Member Rated:

Or the highest truth of all, anal truth?

Jesus saves, but everyone else in a 10 foot radius takes full damage from the fireball.

12-11-02 11:33am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

and the Goblet of Mountain Dew.

Member Rated:

You can't handle the anal truth.

I has a flavor!

12-11-02 11:56am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Senior Comic Technician

Member Rated:

The goatman has been enlightened by the Anal Truth, and Tobor is his god.

Jesus saves, but everyone else in a 10 foot radius takes full damage from the fireball.

12-11-02 12:04pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Senior Comic Technician

Member Rated:

I disagree. Something like Goatse Man cannot be created. It must be evolved into.

My love for you is like diarrhea, I just can't hold it in. -Weird Al Yankovic

12-11-02 1:39pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Senior Comic Technician

Member Rated:

He is a higher evolutinary state (Homo Analius), like those kids in Akira.

Jesus saves, but everyone else in a 10 foot radius takes full damage from the fireball.

12-11-02 1:49pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

The Man Who Punched God

Member Rated:

I hate religon.

But I don't like your comics, either.

~But now you realize / He's not selling any alibis~

12-11-02 2:08pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Comic Overlord

Member Rated:

The only truths you guys should care about are my truths.

Because I am Devin the Almighty!

Prostrate yourself before My Greatness!

Build wonders that attest to My Greatness!

Prepare and sacrifice many young virgins (women are preferred, men will be considered) for My Greatness!

And while you're at it, get My Greatness a Snickers bar. I haven't eaten all day.

12-11-02 2:21pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

masturbating to Japanese shit porn

Member Rated:

i donno... i mean im no christian, and i do make light of jesus frequently...
Nebbish Jesus Frustrates Cool Jesus. by ArtemisStrong
What's your feelings about God? Who is he to you?
God? The Father? I don't understand.
I mean, like, what does the supreme being mean to you? Is there a god, even?
You being blasphemous? Why don't I just come over there and whoop your hethen ass? Don't you be talkin' 'bout The Father like that.
What're you gonna whoop me with? Your emaciated torso?
SHUT UP! ... I'll... Just shut up, ass... You're such a tool...
but i dont postion myself as being more enlightened or of superior intelligence...
The All New Super Friends Hour. by ArtemisStrong
Shape of: FeetForEars!
Form of: Whoosh!
Where's you goin'? I aint gotten to violate you with my tail yet!!
Can't stop now! Busy 'Whooshing'!
Don't even bother looking my way!
Puh-leeeasee? I'm so horny and confused right now...

they just have faith in something.. it's their belief, they're welcome to it, i don't care... no reason to go out of my way to slam people with a belief in something...

Ham-fisted ham fisting.

12-11-02 3:01pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Film critic subordinaire

Member Rated:

Desperation sets in by boorite
Hey, Big J! Let's rub ourselves with Mazola and do each other up the ass!
Behold, I come quickly. Haw!
But seriously, can my hideous Elder God lover-thing join in?
I shall fist thee up to my wristwatch.
Are you sure this will get us into the top 10?
Squeal like a pig, boy.

12-11-02 4:34pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

Religion is just a false sense of security.

People need to feel there is something bigger than themselves, rather than the fact they are just little blips on the earth that evolved from shit.


12-12-02 3:14am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Senior Comic Technician

Member Rated:

What about Buddhism? They have no supreme being.

Jesus saves, but everyone else in a 10 foot radius takes full damage from the fireball.

12-12-02 12:02pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

masturbating to Japanese shit porn

Member Rated:

'course, even buddhists beleive all is sacred... and that everything is part of the spiritual fabric...

i don't even believe in a spiritual fabric...
all is chaos that evolves into order, then devolves into chaos again...

but, nonetheless, what makes my unbelief better than someone else's belief?

we can only truly know after we die, so what's the point of a-fussin' and a-fuedin'?

Ham-fisted ham fisting.

12-12-02 12:21pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Junior Comic Technician

Member Rated:

There's one out there that says "SUSHI." There's another that says "DINNER." I want them both.

-- If you call me insane again, I will eat your other eye. /usr/bin/w00t

12-13-02 12:21pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Junior Comic Technician

Member Rated:

I agree with Artemis (if that is his real name). I'm not the most religous person in the world. But I just can't stand it when people think religious people are simple minded. Yet most of THOSE people put most of their faith into Science, and I don't think Science has done much for us in awhile (thanks for nuclear bombs, Science!). If someone wants to put their belief in something, it's not because they're simple minded or feel insignificant, it's just as simple as them wanting to believe it.

If people have put themselves higher on the intelligence scale just because they're not religious, and have to constantly remind people "I'm smarter then that person cause he's religious"...then that just shows insecurity the way how some people claim religion is for people who feel small and insecure. Really, take..."I'm smarter then a religous person". Then take out "religous person", and put in any other group of people (be it race, or location, etc), and then see how smart that sounds.

1-11-03 10:27am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

if science is everything, and we know science, how come we don't know everything? answer: there is a god.

1-12-03 1:33am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » Fights Go Here » mocking religion is fun.

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