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"I always wanted to be quoted." - Z. Mann Zilla

artist, designer, animator, actor, crossword puzzle constructor, rapper, gamer and humorist. Also makes a mean omelet.

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by ZMannZilla
Holy Cursewords Porkman! Your resume is literally two solid pages of 12-point Times New Roman LIES!
PORKMAN ASKED FOR PROOF READS NOT CRITIQUE! Besides, is just creative truth enhancement, not lies!
I'm just saying, dude... A little fib here or there is cool, but how are you going to keep all this outlandish fiction straight during your interview?
Relax Finchy. Porkman is smooth like the cream cheese on a morning Egg McMuffin.
So it says here that from 2004 to 2008 you were Burt Reynolds?
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ZMann's Comic Competition Entries : Porkman & Finchy Are In Terrible Comic Strips

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crabby says:

Great stuff.
posted Jun 26th, 2016 ( permalink )

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