Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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After years of writing captions on found photos I figure I can throw together some cartoons from clipart. They should be funny as hell. But I'm probably wrong.

Three sets: those with Target Greeter Girl, those without, and my Primer for Naïve Maidens.

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by themushroom
Christmas 1982 - Auntie Maya was passing around an article about Toxic Shock Syndrome and tampon use to all the women at the family Christmas party.
Rely brand tampons have been linked to TSS.
Yes... Which is why they were taken off the market two years ago.
......................True story.
I want to read that article next!
I just realized that with the exception of my mother, my 11 year old sister, and one cousin in her 40's, every female here is over 50 so have no use for tampons...
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