Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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After years of writing captions on found photos I figure I can throw together some cartoons from clipart. They should be funny as hell. But I'm probably wrong.

Three sets: those with Target Greeter Girl, those without, and my Primer for Naïve Maidens.

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by themushroom
I'm outta here!
Gotta go!
*click* *slam* .................................... *click*
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comments on this comic


ragu4u says:

Many of your strips are WAAAY over MY head, but I'm still new at this.
posted Nov 16th, 2008 ( permalink )

Beeko180 says:

Well ragu4u let me explain this to a funny giy who somehow doesn't know what the joke is. Tobor is known for "jack-rabbit" attacks. I do not wish to use the sexual term.
posted Nov 17th, 2008 ( permalink )

Beeko180 says:

PS: I rated this ok because it was a good use of an in-joke charactar's personality but it didn't make me laugh............................................. I give you a **** star rating.
posted Nov 17th, 2008 ( permalink )

themushroom says:

They can't all be "Cowboy Physics" good, you know. :)
posted Nov 17th, 2008 ( permalink )

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