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Stripcreator » Comic Competitions » CC 530: A Change of Heart



Crash Magnet

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I was making the comic below based on the theme of the last CC to explain why the Old Testament God softened up by the time He got to the New Testament when I found out I won it.

Evolution by choadwarrior
Back in the day, you were really my kind of god, God. I had a lot of respect for you.
Vengeful. Jealous. Destroying cities. Drowning all of mankind. Various smitings. Laying down the law and punishing sinners at every turn.
What happened to that guy?
Well, everything changed when I found out my son was gay.

It's a play on the news from this last weekend that the first active Republican Senator announced he was in favor of marriage equality.  Sen Rob Portman said that his position changed when he learned that his 21 year-old son was gay and he wanted him to have the same opportunities his other children had.  Of course, the announcement comes two years after his son came out to him and when a possible vice presidential bid was off the table.  He couldn't possibly have come to this conclusion when it was somebody else's had to happen to him to get him to show a little compassion.

But, I digress.  We got one.  I should be happy.

For this contest, somebody must have a radical change of heart.  That's all.  Everything else is up to you.  Judging in about a week.

3-18-13 9:16pm (new)
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Comic Overlord

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3-19-13 12:18pm (new)
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Obsessive Comic Disorder

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3-19-13 8:47pm (new)
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Obsessive Comic Disorder

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3-19-13 8:49pm (new)
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Because being DISGUSTING just isn't enough!

Member Rated:

3-20-13 8:48am (new)
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Do what to who for how many jellybeans?

Member Rated:

Passing Judgment by four_legged_tripod
So you weren't silent this time?
Nope. I was loud, long winded and just let it loose!
How come?
Mom said I should have a change of fart when it came to my dead father.

"Humiliation is humiliation only when you choose to suffer." ~ Chuck Palahniuk, Choke

3-20-13 11:13am (new)
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Comic Overlord

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3-20-13 8:40pm (new)
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Member Rated:

CC 530: A Change of Hotel Rooms by brycekain
What do you mean don't go in that door?
I've had a change of heart.
There's a dead hooker in there, isn't there?
If by dead you mean "sodomized" and by hooker you mean "the mangled corpse of a coked-up Casey Anthony look-alike" then.... maybe?

...and if you liked that one, here's a link to my other stupid shit.

3-21-13 4:58pm (new)
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weak stream

Member Rated:

Finger banging when I heard you on the radio by mandingo
wedding's off
but i'm having your stepson!
yeah but what's that phrase where you felt one way but now you feel another?
"change of heart?"
"sobered up"

what if nigger meant kite

3-22-13 9:00pm (new)
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Do what to who for how many jellybeans?

Member Rated:

Holy Movie Theater, Batman! by four_legged_tripod
So you decided for spring break you would go see a movie in the theater where the Batman shootings happened?
Yep. I wasn't sure about it at first. I thought it might be disrespectful to the dead.
But you had a change of heart?
Yep. And I could feel the pain, torture and agony that the victims must have felt as I sat there in the theater.
Because their spirits still reside there?
No. Because they were showing a Nicholas Sparks flick.

"Humiliation is humiliation only when you choose to suffer." ~ Chuck Palahniuk, Choke

3-25-13 7:21am (new)
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Member Rated:

530: Change of Judging by brycekain
I thought Choadwarrior was going to judge this thing a couple of days ago?
He had a change of heart.
You ready to go back in there?
I thought Joan Rivers was past menopause.

...and if you liked that one, here's a link to my other stupid shit.

3-28-13 12:38am (new)
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Riding through your town with his head on fire

Member Rated:

I admit this isn't a great fit for the theme, but it's what came to me.

Get it in writing by evil_d
Aha—found you! We're eating venison tonight!
Please, good sir! I am a magical deer! If you spare my life, I will repay you!
Hmm... okay. What can you do for me?
Well, you look kind of scrawny. How about I turn you into a total hunk?
Thousands of years later:
In retrospect, I should have asked, "a hunk of what?"

The what mentioned above is total fiction. Please don't take it seriously!

3-28-13 12:19pm (new)
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Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

Oh, yeah...I have a contest running.  Sorry about that.  

I'll make this easy...the winner is The Man With Something Extra for:

Holy Movie Theater, Batman! by four_legged_tripod
So you decided for spring break you would go see a movie in the theater where the Batman shootings happened?
Yep. I wasn't sure about it at first. I thought it might be disrespectful to the dead.
But you had a change of heart?
Yep. And I could feel the pain, torture and agony that the victims must have felt as I sat there in the theater.
Because their spirits still reside there?
No. Because they were showing a Nicholas Sparks flick.

3-30-13 7:02pm (new)
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Because being DISGUSTING just isn't enough!

Member Rated:

Tripod wins AGAIN!  The name must be magical.  I wonder if changing my name to "Three Legged Bi-Ped" will give ME that something extra, as well? 

3-31-13 6:45am (new)
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Director of Cats

Member Rated:

Binocular Cyclops, anyone?


3-31-13 8:15am (new)
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Do what to who for how many jellybeans?

Member Rated:

Binocular Cyclops is my mother-in-law's names.  Hopefully we can get a little "something extra" from the next contest. 

"Humiliation is humiliation only when you choose to suffer." ~ Chuck Palahniuk, Choke

3-31-13 4:32pm (new)
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Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

ragu4u wrote:

Tripod wins AGAIN!  The name must be magical.  I wonder if changing my name to "Three Legged Bi-Ped" will give ME that something extra, as well? 


Or, you could try being funny!  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA  (sorry.  that's the cough syrup typing)

3-31-13 6:57pm (new)
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Stripcreator » Comic Competitions » CC 530: A Change of Heart

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