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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » what if nigger meant kite



weak stream

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what if nigger meant kite by mandingo
mommy, can you help me? i got my nigger stuck in a tree
rebecca, what are you doing playing with your nigger! I told you no niggers today!
i know, mommy, but my nigger seemed so lonely just sitting there and it's such a nice day out.
honey, how many times do i have to tell you? niggers aren't people. they're just niggers. they can no more get lonely than a rock or a table.
mommy, all this talk and my nigger's still hanging from the tree!
okay, but next time i say no niggers, i mean no niggers. i'm sure other little girls wanted to get their hands on niggers today but they listened to their mommies and controlled those urges

what if nigger meant picture by mandingo
honey, come here and help me hang this nigger
you mean a tough feminist like you and you can't even hang that little old nigger by yourself?
of course i can hang this nigger. i've been hanging niggers since i was five years old. but if you want your nigger to hang straight you need a spotter.
no you don't. one person can hang a nigger straight enough
straight enough isn't good enough. the last thing i need is joe and alice coming over and seeing a sloppily hung nigger. that's just embarrasing.
you're right. joe wouldn't care but alice is an art collector. all she has hanging on her walls are well hung niggers.

what if nigger meant nag by mandingo
could you get dressed and go pick up some kentucky fried chicken?
nigger nigger nigger that's all you do anymore
i'm not a nigger just because i want fried chicken
no, you're a nigger because today it was fried chicken, yesterday it was watermelon, the day before menthol cigarettes. you dont even like those things, you just want to be a nigger
well, sometimes i feel like i have to be a nigger to get you to notice me
the only thing i notice about you when you're acting like a nigger is just how much you're turning into your nigger of a mother

what if herpes meant faith by mandingo
hello my son. i was wondering if you have found jesus and if he has given you herpes. he gives of his herpes freely. all he asks in return is that you spread his herpes to all you come in contact with
oh yes father, i do know of jesus and his herpes. it was shortly after starting a relationship with jesus that i first found my herpes. though it's probably more accurate to say my herpes found me
that's how herpes is, my son. even now there are days when i think my herpes has gone away entirely. then jesus will come to me and restore my herpes. your herpes will come to you at your darkest hour
actually i was doing something i very much enjoy when my herpes first came to me. but herpes became a part of me that day and has remained so despite it being a hardship at times, as i'm sure you know
oh no. my having herpes has never been even the slightest bit inconvenient. my herpes brings a consistency to my life. whatever else may change, i can always count on my herpes to flare up in church
i guess having herpes wouldn't be as big a hardship for a priest. as a man of the cloth, you could never find yourself in a situation where having herpes might be awkward

CC 286: what if nigger meant who by mandingo
i hear you're going to see a band tonight. nigger's playing?
that's right
no, i'm asking you, nigger?
that's right, nigger. why would you be asking if you already knew the answer? the nigger? the nigger, that's nigger
are you fuckin witth my head?
nigger me?

[Click to view comic: 'what if faggot meant vacuum']

what if nigger meant kite

6-29-05 8:22pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

not laughing with you

Member Rated:

Dispite the fact that you're an idiot whenever you say anything on this site, I think those comics are great. Kudos.

peddling the funny around since 09/24/2002

6-29-05 9:00pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

I say again: the absolute funniest fucking comics I have ever seen. Not just on stripcreator, EVER. They are witty, they are totally non pc, they have the word "nigger" more times than I can count, and I cried so hard from laughing.


6-29-05 9:04pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

weak stream

Member Rated:

a compelling argument (the second one)

I say again: the absolute funniest fucking comics I have ever seen. Not just on stripcreator, EVER. They are witty, they are totally non pc, they have the word "nigger" more times than I can count, and I cried so hard from laughing.


possums i have grown to love you

what if nigger meant kite

6-29-05 9:51pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Film critic subordinaire

Member Rated:

Not that I'm gay or anything, but I'm falling in love with mandingo.

6-30-05 3:15am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

weak stream

Member Rated:

you don't have to be gay to drink my seed

and speaking of seed, a couple of your comics were some of the first i read here when a certain Cats directing washington nationals fan said something about a biscuit and i had to run a search to figure out just how the fuck to respond

you've cut my biscuit consumption in half by the way but doubled my consumption of spunk

what if nigger meant kite

6-30-05 4:37am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

100mg Thorazine, Please

Member Rated:

I always suspected you were playing the biscuit game to lose, mandingo.

It was such a waste of everyone’s time and money that even the Tokyo stadium’s rape robots apologized– something they were programmed specifically never to do.

6-30-05 5:43am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Aparently a Creep

Member Rated:

Funny shite, it's toit, like a toiger

I dumb :D

6-30-05 10:03am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

Oh my fucking gawd. Those comics are the best comics probably ever made on this site. Good job! You get not one, but TWO Gold stars!

More lust than you can shake a stick at.

6-30-05 1:15pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

Seriously, mandingo should just be granted donor status for that series.

6-30-05 1:26pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

Seriously, mandingo should just be granted donor status for that series.

Amen. I saw the picture one when he made it on the homepage and I was like, "He'd better post that in the forums if he knows what's good for him." Then Jenny was all like, "OMG Kevin dumped rachel!" I was all like, "OMG NO WAY!" then she was all like "LOL JK!"

More lust than you can shake a stick at.

6-30-05 4:32pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

weak stream

Member Rated:

i'd go so far to say that i should be granted total autonomy to delete any comic that doesnt have the word nigger, faggot or herpes in it, and push to the top of toprated any comic i run across that happens to use 'niggery faggot herpes'

what if nigger meant kite

6-30-05 7:35pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

preach it!

6-30-05 10:04pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

Member Rated:


Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

7-01-05 3:25am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

weak stream

Member Rated:

i'll try to knock more out here soon. i would have already if i hadnt been gettin my photoshop valley groove on

i did do one where it was "what if nigger meant honky" where black guys are standing around talking and saying, oh shit a big assed nigger bitch moved in next door. and 'man i do hate niggers but having a nigger in the neighborhod always raises property value.' it was kind of half ass though so i fed it to troopersaurus.


what if nigger meant kite

7-01-05 6:03am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

i'll try to knock more out here soon. i would have already if i hadnt been gettin my photoshop valley groove on

i did do one where it was "what if nigger meant honky" where black guys are standing around talking and saying, oh shit a big assed nigger bitch moved in next door. and 'man i do hate niggers but having a nigger in the neighborhod always raises property value.' it was kind of half ass though so i fed it to troopersaurus.

Wait just one minuet... does that mean that you're one of the elite few who actually drafts their comics before putting them up?

If so, I fucking salute your ass.

7-01-05 8:38am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

weak stream

Member Rated:

are you shitting me? i barely even edit them afterward. i just make them up in the make.php. but this one i made up and looked at and thought it wasnt that good. and since troopersaurus only eats crap comics or cornbread ti was an easy decision

what if nigger meant kite

7-01-05 5:56pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

weak stream

Member Rated:

i just realized something funny too. for you guys who love them there must be an equal nubmer that absolutely hate them since all are rated 5 out of 10. so asuming you rated them 10, an equal group must have all rated them 0. what is it about these comics that make some people dislike them so much?

nigger knows

what if nigger meant kite

7-01-05 7:07pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

well, you also need to realize that the rating scale is a phenomenally vast "bad-okay-good" scale. that's the whole thing. so some people might, in actuality, rate it 9's or 2's, but they give it 10's and 0's because that's really all there is, in addition to 5's.

7-01-05 9:10pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Sometimes back but not all the times.

Member Rated:

I think they're pretty good. I like the choice of words to switcheroo. However, I do think that the execution was in some cases forced. All I'm trying to say is this: Good, but not of smashing the world kinda good. Good work, but don't expect me to give you any money to be allowed to read them again.


7-02-05 12:27am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

weak stream

Member Rated:

if thats my worst comment and this is my best:

i'll take that

what if nigger meant kite

7-02-05 4:08am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

weak stream

Member Rated:

that should make for a pretty volatile top rated list

what if nigger meant kite

7-02-05 4:12am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

100mg Thorazine, Please

Member Rated:

that should make for a pretty volatile top rated list

Quit yer bitchin'. At least you've had comics make the top rated list. Hazunda favors you for now; do not push your luck.

It was such a waste of everyone’s time and money that even the Tokyo stadium’s rape robots apologized– something they were programmed specifically never to do.

7-02-05 4:28am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

weak stream

Member Rated:

that should make for a pretty volatile top rated list

Quit yer bitchin'. At least you've had comics make the top rated list. Hazunda favors you for now; do not push your luck.

i was saying that as a good thing, brother in the faith. as Hazunda is known to bellow on high 'LISTS THAT STAGNATE ARENT WORTH UNBOILED CHICKEN!'

what if nigger meant kite

7-02-05 4:52am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

weak stream

Member Rated:

i just did this one for the comic competition.

CC287: what if mangravy meant water by mandingo
you may be thinkin why pay for PUR mangravy when I can turn on a faucet and drink down all the mangravy i could ever want. but sir that mangrvy runs throgh old foul pipes and has all kinds of diseases
oh i know. most people think "whats the difference? mangravy's mangravy- god sends it pounding down on our heads and we drink it." but i've been drinking the culligan man's mangravy for years
but sir, you're taking a chance every time you send the culligan man's mangravy sloshing down your throat. he says his is the purest mangravy but in reality i doubt it's even drinkable mangravy
i've raised four kids on nothing but the culligan man's mangravy. my wife, rest her soul, she couldnt swallow enough of it. even mittens here purrs every time her little tongue flicks at his mangravy
sir putting his mangravy in your mouth is as bad as suckin for mangravy right from the spout. havent you noticed the stains when a little of his mangravy dribles down your chin and lands on your shirt
oh hogwash. i gulp his mangravy by the galon, i make icecubes from it, gargle with it, and when i'm joggin and get too hot I can always find some nice young man who'll squirt my face with his mangravy

what if nigger meant kite

7-02-05 11:08am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » what if nigger meant kite

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